Fale Conosco!

To plant, produce and sell

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To plant, produce and sell coffees, to be a reference in quality in Brazil and over the world. With this dream, Grupo Agro Fonte Alta was born, in the south of Minas Gerais, in the midst of the beautiful landscape of mountains characterized by coffee plantations intermingled with strips of Atlantic Forest.

Since the beginning, the focus of activities has been the production of high quality coffees, with certifications that guarantee socio-environmental responsibility from origin to cup.

In addition to its own farms, the training of partner farms in the same region (through training and technical assistance) has been one of the factors that contribute to the success of Agro Fonte Alta as a solid exporter, with a storage capacity of over 120,000 bags and processing 100 tons of coffee/day.


Special Coffees <br /><strong>for Export</strong>

Special Coffees
for Export

Partnership. This is the formula adopted by the Export sector of AGRO FONTE ALTA. We have a valuable network of small and medium-sized coffee producers, who trust the company to store, sell and export their coffees.

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Private Label

The Agro Fonte Alta Group, with great production capacity and always maintaining high quality, develops its own brands for companies interested in...

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(35) 3715-2773


Rodovia BR 267 KM 488, s/n - Campestre – MG CEP 37.730-000 / Brazil


Commercial – depcomercial@agrofontealta.com.br Doubts – contato@agrofontealta.com.br